

Coming home to your body


My story

Vinyasa Flow Yoga

A couple of years ago, my dream of becoming a yoga teacher was shattered before it even began – or so I thought.

I’d registered for one of Australia’s most thorough yoga teacher trainings, a dream come true. Two weeks before the start I can’t move my right arm. At all. My shoulder is so inflamed that moving it sideways by just a centimetre brings tears of pain to my eyes.

While I have a sufficient toolkit and support to heal the shoulder to a point where daily life becomes normal again, the shoulder remians too painful for physical practice and I’m doubting my dream.

I decide this is too important to just give up, so I lean into it and book a private session with one of the teachers at the studio. Avril examins how I move, suggests a few adjustments, and it turns out it’s all I needed.

It’s been painful. But is has been so worth it and it’s deeply shaped who I am a as a yoga teacher.

When teaching yoga I’m interested in the exploration of how the movements and poses express in dfferent bodies, rather than fitting different bodies into the same shape. I facilitate fluidity of movement and hold space for a homecoming into the body.

I guide you to get to know your own body. I bridge the gap between what your body needs, your health practitioners (who will often either discourage yoga or incourage it indiscriminately – both with good intentions but for the wrong reasons), empowering you to create your personal movement practice.

I guide you into the deep energetics and anatomy of your body, where breath drives movement. You get fit, sense your body and witness the energy flow.

Live classes in Modena (Italy), and online via Zoom.


What People are Saying

“What a gift”

I’ve been practicing Yoga for years, but I’ve never relly felt the energetic difference between Warrior II and Goddess pose so clearly as in this class. Lena has a true gift for bringing the energetics of yoga to life.

Olivia, Melbourne (Australia)


My yearlong yoga practice was abruptly interrupted by a hip injury last year. When my osteopath strongly advised against continuing yoga, I was devastated. Through a short series of enlightning 1:1 sessions with Lena, I felt safe and confident enough to return to my regular practice, online with my former teacher. I now know exactly what I can do and what I need to avoid, I feel empowered to ask for what I need and Lena has given me the language and knowledge to do that.

Christine Neillands, London (UK)

“Light and embracing guidance”

In today’s lesson, Lena took me on a whole profound journey thanks to her light yet embracing guidance. Mind and body felt both stretched and strengthened in a way I never experienced before.

Paola Toso, Modena (Italy)


“Lena has such a gift for sensing what is present in the group field and ad hoc bring it to life in the the teaching of the class.

Marcelle, Melbourne (Australia)

Drop Us a Line

Don’t be shy. Let us know if you have any questions!